Current Surgery News

DNA june 24
1st Jul

Missed appointments

The numbers are rising again for patients failing to attend appointments.

Lets work together to get these numbers down by remembering to cancel appointments that you can no longer attend, for whatever reason. Only booking appointments that you really need.

This will allow other patients in need of appointments to get booked in. 

PSP poster
5th Jun

Patient Safety Partners

NHS Integrated Care Northamptonshire have asked us to help promote the recruitment of Patient Safety Partners for their area. This is an exciting new role which aims to involve patients and carers in the improvement and safety of local NHS services.

research practice
16th Apr

Primary Care Research

Did you know that clinical research takes place at this GP Practice?
We’re proud to give our patients the opportunity to take part in research here so that together we can
develop new treatments and medicines for the future.
There are many different types of research available for people to take part in, and the
overwhelming majority of people have a positive experience of research.
Last year, more people took part in research in primary care settings (such as GP Practices) in
the East Midlands than any other part of England. Join them, and help us to improve healthcare.
Patients who are eligible for research studies will be contacted by the practice should you wish to take part.